To See where and when you want the flyers and catalogs in Italy. Mondo Volantino is the new application to consult where you want and when you want the Volan
To See where and when you want the flyers and catalogs in Italy.
Mondo Volantino is the new application to consult where you want and when you want the flyers and catalogs in Italy. With this app you can find in real time the offers in stores and supermarkets under your house.
... and from today there is (
The Mondo Volantino database is updated in real time every day. All types of shops and chains are covered at local or national level in the different sectors:
-distribution (supermarkets and hypermarkets).
-Electronics and technology,
-Faidate and furnishings,
-Cash & Carry,
-and many others ...
Here you can see all the promotions and offers present in the catalogs and flyers of the main brands to find out where it is convenient and when it is convenient:
-Mercatone one
-Leroy Merlin
-And hundreds of other brands ...
The app available for Android allows you to easily see your favorite among the hundreds of published flyers.
Among the main functions we have:
-offline and online and online list of the flyer list.
-Ricerca of flyers for the distribution chain and category of goods.
-Cicerca flyers based on content.
-Filtro according to the current location of the smartphone/tablet.
-online update of the flyer list.
-Ivualization (online) of the flyers.
-Visualization stores on the map.
-preview section.
-Favorite session.
-start with the news with the news.
-Astation preferences.
-Possability to move data to the external memory (SD Card).
And again in the next versions:
-Nuovo most performing and easy native viewer.
-Posability to download flyers and catalogs on the SD card to see them offline when you want.
-Itie with social media.
Ver 1.2
- Download of the optimized database. Now download much faster and occupies less space.
- Fix: Now the image of the cache are not seen in the gallery.